Posts in Insight & Opinion
What’s the issue with line manager comms?

For as long as I’ve been in comms, line managers have come in for a bit of stick. Lots of blame for poor communication is placed at the feet of these poor individuals who are expected to deliver against a staggering array of responsibilities – everything from performance targets to staff development, innovation to cost control – and in the middle of that we want them to ‘deliver communication’ as well. Line managers are often seen as a tricky middle layer where communication gets ‘stuck’, and which seems impermeable to frustrated comms teams and senior leadership. But is it fair to blame them, or should we be blaming the comms team, senior leaders….or someone else?

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The Role of AI in Internal Communications

Today’s breakfast session was even more energised and interactive than usual, and no wonder with such an evocative subject at the heart of our discussions! Safe to say AI is here to stay, and we’re all only just starting to get to grips with it – what it can do for us, the pitfalls and all the governance issues it raises.  Kudos to Katie Marlow and Lisa Pantelli for agreeing to present today – as finding anyone confident enough to share their thoughts on this topic was not easy! Katie shared insights into how she uses AI within her consulting practice, and Lisa provided a whistle-stop tour of definitions, and an overview of how she uses AI in her role as Director of Communications at Elsevier.

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Getting your ducks in a row; how to get started on a communications strategy

We’re regularly asked by candidates and clients alike about the current ‘state of the market’ – and often that’s a hard question to answer! With another new year just around the corner, experience shows that a lot of people may take the opportunity for some reflection on their career aspirations during the festive break – and companies may be gearing up to start their candidate searches in the new year.

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Recruitment is a two-way street

We’re regularly asked by candidates and clients alike about the current ‘state of the market’ – and often that’s a hard question to answer! With another new year just around the corner, experience shows that a lot of people may take the opportunity for some reflection on their career aspirations during the festive break – and companies may be gearing up to start their candidate searches in the new year.

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Comms Theory in action: Blog 3 of 3 ORGANISATIONAL POWER

I’ve been taking a look at structure, culture and power sources within organisations and how this impacts internal communication. In this final blog of three I’ll be looking at organisational power sources.  Whilst this isn’t meant to be an academic paper, you’ll find here a brief overview of some of the models, and the references are listed at the end if you want to go and find out more.  Obviously – there are lots of models out there – and this is not an exhaustive review of them all!

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Comms Theory in action: Blog 2 of 3 ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE

I’ve been taking a look at structure, culture and power sources within organisations and how this impacts internal communication. In this second blog of three I’ll be looking at organisational culture.  Whilst this isn’t meant to be an academic paper, you’ll find here a brief overview of some of the models, and the references are listed at the end if you want to go and find out more.  Obviously – there are lots of models out there – and this is not an exhaustive review of them all!

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Comms Theory in action: Blog 1 of 3 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE

I’ve been taking a look at structure, culture and power sources within organisations and how this impacts internal communication. In this first blog of three I’ll be looking at organisational structure.  Whilst this isn’t meant to be an academic paper, you’ll find here a brief overview of some of the models, and the references are listed at the end if you want to go and find out more.  Obviously – there are lots of models out there – and this is not an exhaustive review of them all!

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Workplace Wellbeing

I was delighted to be asked to present at the CIPR Inside and CIPR South West group on Workplace Wellbeing on Wednesday 18th May. Unusually, I was asked to present as a trustee of iprovision and not in my usual day job as a comms pro. I’ve been a trustee of iprovision since March 2019 and it was a great opportunity to showcase some of the great work iprovision does.

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Our Christmas Eve reasons to be cheerful….!

Well, the end of 2021 is not the one any of us had hoped for, with Covid-19 once again reinventing and causing chaos. So here at HK, with our Christmas meet-up on ice and in a bid to stay positive, we’ve taken a few moments to reflect on the last 12 months. At the end of this second crazy year, we know that we still have much to be thankful for. So, in the words of Ian Dury, here’s our reasons to be cheerful….

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A new way of working - home, work and community

Work-life balance has taken on a whole new dimension in the last 15 months or so. Whilst many were seeing working from home as possibly the only silver lining of the pandemic, others now struggle to draw a line between home and work, and feel like they live at work, not work from home. So as communicators, how do we help to develop a new approach to work that is healthy for individuals and beneficial for organisations?

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When life gives you lemons…(or how to cope with interview rejection)

As we’re approaching the end of the year and looking forward to the New Year (really, really hoping that 2021 will be much more of a positive one!), I thought I would share with you some ideas on improving and developing your professional network.

The Christmas break is a great time to put a little focus on your networking and develop a strategy for the new year. Even if you’re currently in a role and not actively looking to move onto something else, it’s still good practice to keep up to date with some professional network ‘house-keeping’.

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Improving and developing your professional network

As we’re approaching the end of the year and looking forward to the New Year (really, really hoping that 2021 will be much more of a positive one!), I thought I would share with you some ideas on improving and developing your professional network.

The Christmas break is a great time to put a little focus on your networking and develop a strategy for the new year. Even if you’re currently in a role and not actively looking to move onto something else, it’s still good practice to keep up to date with some professional network ‘house-keeping’.

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Lights! Camera! Action!

2020 has by turns made us Zoom or Teams enthusiasts, experts, and emerging from our second lockdown, burnout victims. There now seems to be a deluge of articles describing our exhaustion from the platforms that so successfully brought us together for our first lockdown. What’s harder to find is how organisations are gaining from this seismic shift in the way teams communicate, and how those teams are working differently as a result.

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