Recipe 2: Messages that hit the mark

It’s always been important to land key messages about purpose, strategy and direction, but right now it may be safety messages that are your highest priority. Whatever it is you need to get across, how can you be sure its distinctive flavour is cutting through?

Chef’s tips
A pulse can be a small survey open to all, or a more in-depth exercise with fewer people. Decide whether your sample needs to be broadly representative or targeting a particular audience
It’s tempting to add in a few ‘extra’ questions while you’re at it, but you run the risk of over-egging the pudding!
Ingredients and method
Use simple and focused pulse surveys to get you what you need to know without a big investment. They give you a baseline of metrics so repeated pulses show if what you’re doing is working.
A restricted question set and a small amount of qualitative probing should check not only if people recognise a message, but more importantly buy into it. If you have comms champions, this can be a great time to use them as chefs de partie.
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