Recipe 4: A reliable Team Talk channel

It’s the comms Holy Grail – the channel that involves everyone, whatever their role and however they work. Did yours start life as a Michelin starred conversation only to become another beans on toast email? Or even burn out from Zoom fatigue? Bringing teams together is more important than ever, so it’s time for a spritz up!

LEVEL: More effort
Chef’s tips
Consult your digital team early on to understand their plans and scope where you can smarten up support for the process
Include phone interviews with some senior leaders to understand their expectations. Those will guide how radical your refresh can be and flag up the support leaders need to help it succeed
Ingredients and method
You’ll need to get alongside your line managers and their teams for this one.
Use a short survey to gather some baseline measures. Select some high and low performance functions for a blend of one on one conversations about what works well and what doesn’t. Add online design groups for colleagues to reconstruct the channel, they’ll point you in the direction of tasty new approaches!
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