Recipe 5: Colleagues who are prepared for change

It was already a constant, and has been put into a pressure cooker by Covid-19. Plans that would have taken months now take weeks or even days, and comms has had to be served up at the same pace. The temperature isn’t likely to drop, so how can measurement guide comms to give the full, lasting flavor of the change rather than just a rushed hint at the start?

LEVEL: Moderate
Chef’s tips
Mix change sponsors or champions into your measurement early on - it’ll challenge their thinking and help them learn about colleagues they’ll be influencing
Keep going even when there’s nothing new to say. If you don’t find out how conversations are bubbling, you’ll miss hearing when someone has stirred in something you don’t like!
Ingredients and method
This needs open minds and close monitoring to make your comms superhot. Start with one to one interviews or online groups to find out how people see things today and in the future. Mix people up so they’re exposed to new ideas, and design exercises to challenge and energise.
Don’t be afraid of criticism – it’s your chance to redirect comms and to open two-way exchange. Keep track with a monthly pulse survey including a few quant measures and open questions.
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